Home Resource Pack
For school closure due to COVID-19
I hope everyone is keeping safe and well, it has been a very strange and difficult time for us all.
Unfortunately, everything has been left up in the air which is disappointing and confusing for us and the children.
It has also been very disappointing for the staff as we were enjoying watching the children grow and develop, having our daily conversations and mostly importantly forming positive and secure relationships with them.
We are unsure how long this is going to go for but, until then we just need to take every step which is advised by the Government in order to tackle this pandemic, and hopefully it will not be long until we see everyone again.
The staff of Moy Area Playgroup has come together and devised a home resource pack for both you and your child to use while at home, providing you with some ideas.
It is important to firstly note however, this is NOT homework or a ‘workbook’, and the children do not need to complete it. We understand that schools have provided set work for students to complete, however, preschool is very different.
We provide Pre-school provision, this is a non-compulsory year for children to attend, therefore there is absolutely no formal teaching involved. ETI and CCEA set out how children learn – this is through their play. Children will learn when something is fun and practical sparking their curiosity.
At the beginning, we were reluctant to insert ‘worksheets’ into this pack as ETI would not approve of this in the classroom. However, we have provided some learning materials and ideas that you may use if you wish.
We recognise and understand some children do not enjoy writing, drawing etc as much as others, therefore we have also provided other activity ideas that you can do at home that are hands on, which will hopefully target those different learning styles and interests.
It is fine if you do not use this booklet as we do not use a ‘one size fits all’ approach, it is down to the choice of you as parents and your child. So please do not feel under pressure to utilise this resource.
The booklet contains a few activity sheets that the children may complete if they wish, along with some activity ideas including arts and crafts, baking ideas for Easter, a feelings chart that you can utilise at home and some resources that help explain the current situation in a child friendly format and lastly, few useful links you can access.
(this website https://www.education.com/ may require a google or Facebook account for access, if you have neither the account details are:
Password: April2020 (Case sensitive)
Children will also learn through the interactions they have with adults so remember to make it fun, enjoyable and challenging to encourage thought processes. If a child needs some help or struggles with any of the activities, that is ok, get involved and help where it may be needed, as this is a time where our children need support the most.
We stated previously that this is a very worrying time for us as adults, therefore think about how the children may feel. They too can feel the pressure and stress of it all, which is not good for their mental health and well-being, therefore the last thing they need is ‘homework’ on top adding more stress, especially if a child finds these activities below difficult.
Research has demonstrated that stress can be a risk factor in increasing the chance of an Adverse Childhood Experience, therefore enjoy this time spent with your child, learning will come naturally, it is those loving, caring and fun relationships that matter the most.
Finally, we hope you find this pack useful and fun, if you need anything, something doesn’t work or have any questions please contact Sarah on: 07885497636.
We hope to see everyone again very soon and please everyone take care.
Please tell the kids we said 'Hello' and are asking about them.
Nuala, Sarah, Daniele and Niamh